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Person reading book indoors, next to smartphone
Cary Memorial Library
Lexington, MA

Member Libraries

The Minuteman Library Network is a consortium of 41 libraries with 60 locations serving the communities of Metrowest Massachusetts.

The members include 36 public and 5 college libraries in the Metrowest region of Massachusetts. The vision of the Minuteman Library Network is to foster a strong community of libraries providing people with optimal access to information.

Latest Minuteman Updates

Librarian holds a book with a hole cut of the inner pages to store a cell phone.
Westwood Librarian Hides Phones in Books to Help People Escape Domestic Violence
Member Library News
Westwood librarian Molly Riportella found a new use for discarded library books: as a "book safe" pre-paid phones for people in abusive relationships. Riportella's project provides pre-paid phones with saved numbers and distributes them to support organization that are "checking people out of bad situations."
A variety of board games on display on library shelves
Bedford launches new board game collection
Member Library News
Bedford Free Library has joined the ranks of public libraries offering board games that cardholders can borrow for home use. Bedford's collection is launching with 10 popular titles, and will add more based on community interest and feedback.